The sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings
(Mal. 4:2??)

People live with their wounds and scars. Life away from God must be in depressing because of sins and frustration. The only way to heal the wounds and scars of life is to repent our sins and go back to God.

1. Life of revering God

We should be fearful of God. Being fearful of God means we should be afraid of and honor God. When we encounter His almighty power and personality, we are fear of God. The reason we commit sins is we are not afraid of God. People not fear of God pray and serve God when they need help, while they ignore ways of God when they don't like how God works. So the world is full of sins because people are not fear of God. As a result, it seems that wicked people are successful. However, when the right time comes, God will judge the wicked and lift the ones who honor God. We should be awake feeling that we are standing before God and live a life to be acknowledged by God.

2. Jesus Christ as the sun of righteousness

The success of the wicked will not be forever. The righteous God will surely judge the evil when the right time comes. The successful life of the wicked will be burnt and gone when the sun of righteousness rises. The sun of righteousness symbolizes Jesus. When Jesus comes again, Jesus will drive away darkness. Also, He will forgive the people who come before the light and allow them to be children of the light. Be in the light out of darkness. Otherwise people who are afraid of their sins being revealed and refusing to live in the light will be judged with Satan. Although the power of darkness is strong, we can live a victorious life by overcoming sins once we accept Jesus as the king.

3. Jesus Christ as the healer

God is seemed to be the fire of Judgment to the evil but the light of healing to the righteous. Jesus, the righteousness of God becomes our healer and restores the lost authority of righteous people and solves the false things. Jesus spent his public life for healing people. People were healed once they came before Jesus, even though they were wicked and poor. Healing of the world is limited. Only Jesus will solve the matters of sins, which are root causes of various diseases. Therefore, we need the blood of Jesus Christ. Let us come before Jesus, who becomes the true healer. I pray that you put down all the heavy burdens and enjoy the real peace and happiness in Jesus Christ.