The real meaning of Christmas
(Phil. 2:5??1)

The real meaning of Christmas lies in celebrating the day when Jesus came to us as a human being to save us. Therefore, we should give thanks to the grace of God, deeply contemplating how Jesus lived, while we enjoy Christmas.

1. Being humbled

Jesus is the son of God and has the same power and authority of God. However, Jesus put them away and came as a human being for us. The Prophet, Isaiah prophesied Jesus would come as the King of righteousness and peace. However, Jesus came as a lowered and humble shape not as a king. Jesus achieved righteousness and peace of God at the lowest place as the king of humility and obedience. Even, Jesus washed his disciples??feet. We should resemble Jesus to live humbly. When we confess that we are nothing, we can live to serve others humbly every day.

2. Serving and sacrifice

The life of Jesus is described as service and sacrifice. Jesus came to serve not to be served. Jesus came to those who were underprivileged and healed the sick and fed the hungry people. The most amazing sacrifice of Jesus was shown on the cross because Jesus was sacrificed to save us. We should resemble how Jesus was devoted to serving and being devoted to help others. On Christmas when Jesus was born, we should make Christmas a special day of love to serve and take care of our neighbors who were isolated and troubled

3. Glory to God

Jesus was lowered to be dead on the cross but God lifted Jesus. When we seek for the glory of God and obey humbly, God lifts us when his right time comes. The Christians should live to give glory to God, not focusing on our selfish interests. The life of giving glory to God is depending on how we should bear fruits to give glory to God. When we live as transformed people in Jesus, we can give glory to God. The tower built for our glory will be easily collapsed but the tower of glory for God will be remembered forever. We should give glory to God and be acknowledged by God by not seeking for the worldly glory.