Make Disciples of All Nations
(Mt. 28:18-20)

1. The mission of making disciples of all nations
Jesus gave us an order to make all people disciples and baptize them. To make disciple doesn't mean just spread the Gospel. It means we should teach them to live a life to resemble Jesus. Baptizing them is making sure that people have confidence in confessing that Jesus is christ. As christians, we should go out to spread the Gospel. Church is the place where christians are gathered. At the same time, it is the place where christians are scattered to spread the Gospel to make all the nations disciples of Jesus.

2. The mission of bearing fruits by the word
Becoming the disciples of Jesus means that we should have the clear criteria of our life based on the words of God. As christians, we should not follow the will of our selfish interests, emotions and feelings. We should live with the guidance of the Holy Spirit. We should read, learn, memorize and proclaim the words of God. When we are filled with the words of God, we will become mature christians and live a life to resemble Jesus. When we live with the words of God, we become the real christians. Living with the words of God, let us become the sincere and faithful workers of God to change the world to show the glory of God, which is the work of the kingdom of God.

3. The mission of Immanuel
It is not easy to persue the goal of world mission in the world where various risks and obstacles are waiting for us. However, Jesus promised to give us the Holy Spirit to be with us so we don't have to be worried. Even we are weak , we should depend on the Holy Spirit. Jesus protects us through the Holy Spirit. When we go out to the world with the Gospel, we may be persecuted and face various difficulties. However, no adversity and hardship is bigger than God and God can solve all the problems. So let us become the man of the Holy Spirit to take responsibilities of the world mission.