Because he loves me
(Ps 91:14-16)

It's difficult to change human nature even it is different to some extent. However, even an evil person's personality can be changed once he experiences the true love, changing ways of thinking and living. The original source of changing human nature lies in love which is coming from God.

1. Love God
It is not easy to love invisible God. However, we should realize the love of God to love God. God loves us as what we are and God doesn't love us because of our performances and achievements. When we were sinners, God sent his only son to save us, pouring his love. Realizing the love on the cross, we love God truly. To pay his love, we should love God with all our hearts and life. In that way, we love our family and neighbors. Let us love God and our neighbors in the amazing love of God.

2. Acknowledge God
We should accept God in all the things we do. Not only in church on Sundays but in all our life, do we seek for God to follow the ways of God. To do this, we should have spiritual eyes to see God. When the Holy Spirit of God comes to us fully, we can open our spiritual eyes to see God. Accept the Holy Spirit in your heart and follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit. We should move to God-oriented Life from self-centered life. When we trust and acknowledge God, God will life our life.

3. Call upon God
The great servant of God were prayers. When we pray hard, the power of God comes to us. We should pray confidently. The prayer with faith can have power to move a mountain. We should pray earnestly, crying out. God listens to us when we pray hard. We should be humble to call out when we pray. God will give us his mercy and answers. Start with prayers. Pray in our family and workplace. Whatever you face, pray hard. God will show amazing miracle when you pray hard.