The Fruit of the Holy Sprit (?? ??Faithfulness, Gentleness, Self-control
(Ga. 5:22-23)

During last two weeks, we looked at love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness as for the characteristics of the fruit of the Holy Spirit. Today, we look at the last group of the fruit including faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.

7. Faithfulness
The seventh trait of the Holy Spirit is faithfulness. This is derived from faith related to sincerity. God is perfect for us to believe in and God never changes and God doesn't deceive us. However, we are weak, tell lies and make mistakes. Regardless of who we are, God believes us and give us his mission. When we respond to God faithfully, God regards us faithful servants. To reward the faith of God in us, we should do our best efforts when we do our missions.

8. Gentleness
The eighth trait of the Holy Spirit is gentleness. It is gentle and soft personality. Jesus is gentle. He was a lot challenged and persecuted but he didn't fight against those who persecuted him. Instead, Jesus took hardships and insulting silently. Jesus forgave our sins and mistakes. When we come before Jesus, we are able to put down our heavy burdens and get real rest. As disciples of Jesus, we should be gentle to forgive and accept others. The power of gentleness enables to make human relationships smooth. God promises to give peace and blessing for those who are gentle. Let us resemble Jesus to inherit the blessings of God.

9. Self-control
The ninth trait of the Holy Spirit is self-control. It is related to self-discipline. Without self-control, we cannot be used by God. Athletes are self-controlled for the best performance in the races. To inherit heavenly reward, we should be self-control. To do that, we need the help of the Holy Spirit. When we accept the Holy Spirit in our heart, we will be led by the Holy Spirit. We should take off the old person and be guided by the Holy Spirit to live holy to please God.