My Soul Yearns for You
(Isa. 26:8-9)

Our faithful life starts with reconciling the relationship with God. We were against God as the slaves of sins but now we are transformed after believing in Jesus. Now we should give thanks to God with ‘God-First faith’.

1. The faith before God
The prophet Isaiah confessed that he waited God on the way of Judgement. We should live with faith of ‘Coram deo’ before God. We should not avoid God in any situations. Adam and Eve avoided God when they committed sins. (Gen. 3:8) When we commit sins, we should confess our sins and seek for forgiveness of God. When we believe in God, God of Love will forgive us. Therefore, let us not be away from God and have friendly relationship with God.

2. The God-First faith
We should live for the name of God. Just doing good and great works is not enough. The motivation of doing something is for pleasing God. We should practice the love of cross at every moment. The love on the cross is perfection of the love for God and our neighbors. God takes care of us during days and nights. Barren desert of our life is terrible and hard. However, God leads us with clouds during days and with fire during nights when we are in desert, providing manna and quails. When troubles and hardships come to us, we should depend on God more. Our sufferings and hardships will turn into great blessings.

3. God who is the sovereign Lord of history
God will judge the evil when the time of God comes. The Judgement of God has double meanings. It will be the day of salvation to the righteous people of God while it will be the doomsday to the sinners who do not believe God. Unfairly, we are persecuted in the world because of our faith in God. Sometimes, the world seems to be bigger than God. However, we should bear in mind that everything in the word was created by invisible Word of God even though the world seems to be great. (Heb. 11:3) Depend on God who controls the world. God will take care of our life and leads us.