Blessed Is the Man
(Jer. 17:7-8)

Our life is just once. People seem to enjoy their life because the life is only once. But consuming life without purposes is not joyful. As the life is once, we should live it meaningfully by being blessed.

1. Trust in God
The secret to be blessed is in depending on God and trusting God. Understanding the Bible with knowledge is not enough. The real faith is to offer our life to God. People want to decide their life. However, we were originally created to depend on God completely. To take care of our life by ourselves without God is arrogant. When we trust in God, God blesses us. God doesn't want to be repaid or rewarded when he helps us. What God wants us to do is sincere love. (Ps. 18:1) When we depend on God with God-centered life, we will enjoy the blessings of God.

2. Blessing of the tree planted by the water
The tree planted by the water is always green because of its deep roots. So, the tree planted near water source will endure droughts or colds. (Ps.1:3) When droughts come to our life, we should find the water source which never dries. We should stop putting our efforts and should come before God. We should be filled with the word of God and the fullness of the Holy Spirit in order to send out our roots into God thereby gaining victory.

3. The life bearing fruits
We are branches attached to Jesus, the tree. God becomes our farmer waiting for us to bear fruits. God takes cares of us with his love and blessings. To bear fruits, we should be attached to a tree strongly. As branches, we should remain in Jesus to bear fruits. (Jh. 15:5) The fruits we should bear don't mean worldly success. We should bear fruit of giving thanks and joy to give glory to God. Also, we should share grace with our neighbors as we bear the fruits of love. Let us bear beautiful fruits in Jesus to live a happy life.