Now He Has Become Useful
(Phm. 1:10-12)

Many people live changed life after they believe in Jesus. Today's scripture tells us a man who was a robber was transformed as a servant of God after believing in God.

1. A changed life
Onesimus was a servant working at the house of Philemon and he ran away after robbing his mater's things. And he met Paul at the prison. He became a new man after believing in Jesus and became a great servant of God. Before believing in Jesus, we are like Onesimus. We hurt other people because of our selfishness. However, we become the children of God thanks to the grace of God. Remembering that we are saved thanks to the grace of God, we should give thanks to God.

2. The grace of forgiveness
Paul wrote a letter to Philemon to ask him to forgive Onesimus. Paul cherished him. God loved us, who were like thieves unconditionally. The cross of Jesus is the evidence of love and forgiveness. (Rom 5:8) Therefore, we should live by forgiving others based on unconditional love. We should not choose whom to forgive based on our criteria. As we were forgiven unconditionally, we should forgive others.

3. The life of a beloved brother
Onesimus was completely changed after believing in Jesus. He became the faithful servant and became useful assistant to Paul. Therefore, Paul described Onesimus as his beloved brother and a coworker. And he asked Philemon to forgive Onesimus so that he encouraged Onesiums to become a faithful servant of God. We should live a changed life like Onesimus. By resembling Jesus, we should bear fruits of the light . (Ep. 4:22-23) We should spread Gospel and have a good influence on others. We should not return to have the past life and live a new life to give glory to God.