Love Covers Over a Multitude of Sins
(1Pe. 4:7-11)

When Jesus came into the world, human history had a turning point. Any sinners can be forgiven and blessed of having eternity once believing in Jesus. Waiting on the Christmas when Jesus was born, we should remember the grace of Jesus and try to resemble Jesus.

1. Be self-controlled so that you can pray
To keep our faith strong during the time of tribulations and hardships, we should realize that we are living in the last time. Christians face hardships because of faith. Sometimes it seems that our troubles are bigger than our abilities to handle them so we want to give up keeping our faith. However, the fact the last time comes soon gives us the power to bear hardships. The one who tolerate difficulties given to oneself in Jesus, will have the victory at the end. Therefore, we should be alarmed and awake by praying hard. (Lk. 21:36) Do not overcome the spiritual tests by yourself. Rather we should be awake by praying hard to in order to get help from God.

2. Love each other deeply
The characteristic of those who are awake and praying hard is to live a life of love. This love is not humanly love but the love of God. God works based on love. Therefore, we are forgiven even we are weak and not perfect. The love of God to forgive us has been shown through the cross of Jesus. We who are loved by God should love each other. (Jh. 13:34) Love covers a multitude of sins. The cause of having troubles is related to lack of love in life. When love is lack, avarice comes to our heart causing fighting, arguing and judging others strictly. We should embrace the love of Jesus in our hearts and forgive each other. Then, we will see our life changing beautifully.

3. Offer hospitality to one another
When we have the mind of Jesus in our hearts, we should serve others just like Jesus did. The reason Jesus came into the world was to be dead to serve the people in the world. (Mt. 20:28) Sadly, the world loses how to serve each other. We tend to think that serving others gives us losses so we are hesitant to serve others. However, we should remember that our salvation, health and blessings are achieved thanks to Jesus. Serve each other joyfully. As servants of God, put down everything to God and give glory to God with what we have and what we've achieved. The one who serves others with joy will be rewarded with prizes of heaven.