The Person Who Relies on God
(Jer. 17:5-8)

People try to believe in something while living. Sometimes people tend to see a fortuneteller or a shaman to see their future and get comforted. However, God asks us not to depend on people.

1. Life of the person who trusts in man
The one who depends on man and away from God is cursed and live the life in the desert as a dried tree. (Jer. 17:5-6) When Hezekiah ruled the Southern Judah, the King of Assyria attacked with a lot of soldiers. The country was being destroyed and the fate of the nation was in the blink of death. At this moment, Hezekiah didn't depend on the ways of humans and he, however, depended on God who is bigger than Assyria. God came to help him and destroyed the enemy. The ways of humans tend to fail but the one who depends on God will gain victory.

2. The person who relies on God
The bible says, “But blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in him.” (Jer. 17:7) People who trust in God will not perish and be destroyed because God becomes the strength to keep him or her safe by giving victory to him or her. By trusting in God, we should experience of goodness of God. God will be us forever. Jesus, our savior loves us eternally. Our life is like a fierce battlefield. Who do you depend on? If we depend on people, we will fail but once we believe in God, we will gain victory.

3. Blessings God gives to the person who relies on God
The verse 18 says, “He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes. It does not fear when comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of and never fails to bear .” We should depend on God during our life. Even the heat waves of troubles and the drought of adversity come to our life, God will protect us and even helps us bear fruits and our leaves green. Let us be blessed in the Lord. Share your grace with others as the pathway of blessing so that you will be blessed abundantly.