Overflowing Thanksgiving
(Col. 2:6-7)

The pilgrims set for the America to find religious freedom from England and they had thanksgiving worship service with their first harvested grains and fruits and it becomes the origin of the thanksgiving day of today. The real thanksgiving is to give thanks to God despites all the troubles or hardships. We have had amazing grace of God up until no so we should give thanks to God all the time what may happen.

1. Jesus Christ, the savior
Jesus Christ, the son of God has equal power, wisdom and dignity just like God. However, Jesus came to us to save us by giving up the throne in heaven. Jesus took away all our sins and was sacrificed on the cross. Thanks to the sacrifice on the cross, our identity is changed to the children of God from the slaves of sins. (Eph.1:4-5) Therefore, we should give thanks to God for life. We can give thanks to God in troubles because we have the grace of being saved. Let us live to give overflowing thanks to God by looking at Jesus, our Savior.

2. Grace in the Lord
Our faith should be deeply rooted in Jesus Christ. The person rooted in Jesus will live an abundant life like a tree planted near the stream. We should set the unshakable foundation in Jesus Christ, our firm Rock. Our faith based on unfailing grace and love will not be shaken no matter what happens. Once we remain in Jesus, Jesus works for us and let us bear plentiful fruits. (Jn. 15:4-5) Receive Jesus as the master of our life and live a peaceful life. Nail you on the cross and show the glory of Jesus. Then your life will be amazingly blessed.

3. Faith based on the Word
We should live with the Word of God. As the Word of God disappears, we tend to fall down easily and are tempted and wounded thereby giving negative impacts on our communities. We should depend on the living Word of God. (Heb. 4:12) The faith without the Word of God is not real. Make sure to balance between the Words of God and prayers. You will be answered when you pray with the Word of God. When you realize the Word of God, your life will be transformed. Therefore, the one with faith based on the Word of God will give thanks to God regardless their situations. There is the will of God both when the bad things happen or good things happen. Put your trust in the perfect plan of God and give glory to God by giving thanks to God.