You Are My Servant
(Isa. 49:3~6)

People tend to live as the servants of something like money, power, popularity and people around them. They are being led by those things during their life. However, God has saved us from the status of slaves of the world so that we may become the servant of God.

1. We, the servant of God
We didn't have real freedom before we became the children of God. We misunderstand that we are the master and the owner of our life. However, we are tightly captured by the sinful nature leading us to despair and hardships. God saw us groaning in sin and set us apart as the servant of God. (Isa. 41:8-9) We, the servant of God and his possession, can enjoy the peace and righteousness according to the protection of God. Now, we should get rid of the images of the old inner being who had been the servant of sins. We should have real freedom and love in God who cherishes us so much.

2. God, who is my strength
As the servant of God, we are under the authority of God. A servant who has weak authority cannot do anything on his own. Instead, when he does the work of his master, the authority of the master is given to him. Likewise, when we obey the word of God, the power of God will be given to us so that we can do many challenging tasks. Also, the servant is protected as well as governed by his master. We do not have to fear whatever happens because God, who is Almighty and the Creator of the world, guards and protects us. (Ps. 27:1) Eventually, we can be more than conquerors with the power of God who loves us so much.

3. God who makes me a light for the Gentiles
We, as the servant of God, should obey the words and the duties that God asks us to keep. The duty that we have is to become the light for the Gentiles. As the light of the world, we should become the hopeful and living light in the dark world. We should spread the name of Jesus, who is the absolute hope. Sharing love with mere thoughts and mouth speaking do not have any power. When we live as the light of the world with “good deeds”, the world will experience the love of God and glorify him. (Mt. 5:16) Let us take the responsibilities of becoming the light of love, gratitude and joy as the faithful servants of God.