
Forty Years on the Wilderness Road
(Ex. 14:13~14)

The most important thing in our life is to be acknowledged by God. We must put our trust in God and be with God all the time to give glory to God. The 40 years on the wilderness of the Israelites were for them to be trained to give glory to God.

1. The Egyptian army never pursued again
Right after escaping from the Egypt, Israel people were blocked by the sea in front of them while there were countless Egyptian soldiers behind them. People complained before Moses and God and they were frustrated by the depressing moments. However, Moses put his trust in God with reaching his staff toward the Red sea. At that moment, the Red sea was separated and the people could cross the sea as the sea became the dried land. When the enemies stepped in the water, the land became the sea again. They were all dead. Don’t be frustrated. Jesus took the cross and beat the powers of curses and sins. The power of the sins and death cannot control us anymore. Be a victorious man with Jesus.

2. The Amalekites attacked them from behind
When Israel people walked in the desert, the Amalekites attacked weak people who fell behind. The Amalekites are the powers of devils which attack our weaknesses. When we are filled with the fullness of the Holy Spirit, the evil spirits cannot attack us. However, they attack us like the Amalekites when we are lazy in worshipping God and praying hard with losing gratitude. When we are spiritually attacked, we should repent our sins with raising our hands for praying hard before God. Just like the Israelites won the battle when Moses prayed with his hands up for praying, we should pray hard with being filled with the Holy Spirit and the Word of God. Eventually, God will fight for us and allow us to achieve glorious victories.

3. The Lord had always taken care of and been with them
Even the Israel people kept complaining and grumbling during the years of the desert, God had been with them at all times with His amazing love. God had led them for 40 years. Likewise, God is with us and leads us to the best ways. When we are in troubles, people in the world are away from us. However, God is with us. With holding the sincere Word of God and marching bravely with the guidance of God, the amazing miracles will happen in our life. Let us give thanks to God and give glory to God.