The Lord Will Save Me
(Ps. 55:16~18, 22)

God is the only one who takes care of us, protects us, and walks with us while we are living in the world. Let us not depend on the things in the world. We should put our trust in God and love God with all our hearts.

1. Cry out to the Lord
Facing various tribulations of the world, we should come before God to pray hard. Prayers have powers to solve problems. God listens to us to give us his answers. Don’t be frustrated when you have difficult moments that you cannot go through. God is watching you. When we cry out for help before God, God will come to us. (Ps. 55:2-3) People who pray hard before God who will give us help forever, will have peace and joy whatever happens with not being frustrated by continuous problems of the world.

2. Cast all the heavy burdens upon the Lord
We are living in the world as a stranger with heavy burdens. Sometimes, we want to take off the heavy burdens, but no one can avoid the responsibilities of life. We should depend on God. God will solve various problems. God will take away our burdens. (Ps. 68:19) Faith makes us depend on God completely. If we are doubtful and look back on our past life, it means we don’t trust God entirely. Put down all your burdens before God and experience the amazing miracles done by God.

3. God who sustains us
When we are frustrated and depressed, God comes to us to make us rise again. God encourages us with words, giving us the power to start again. God holds us tightly so that the life of a righteous man will never be shaken. The righteous people in the Bible are the ones who obey the words of God by putting his or her trust in God. We should put down our wills and thoughts to live as the man of righteousness to please God. Let us be filled with the words of God and the Holy Spirit, and do our best on our mission. God will take care of your life and lead us to the ways of grace and blessing.