
The Grace of Bethesda
(Jn. 5:2-9)

Encounter is important. Whom we meet shapes our happiness, misfortune, success, and failure. Encountering with Jesus is the most important than any other meeting in the world. Wrong encounter brings about broken life with wounds. However, the life will change into blessed life by being recovered once we meet Jesus.

1. The pool of Bethesda
There was in Jerusalem near the Sheep Gate a pool, Bethesda, which means the house of mercy. People believed that the sick would be healed when the angel came down and the water was stirred. There were many people near the pool. (Jn. 5:3-4) Nowadays, the pool of Bethesda refers to churches. Many people come to church with expectations that they will be healed spiritually and physically. Even we have various troubles, it will be the big blessing for us to come to church as we can meet Jesus, our perfect healer.

2. A patient for thirty-eight years
There was a 38-year sick person who was invalid. When Jesus saw him lying there and learned that he had been in this condition for a long time, he asked him, "Do you want to get well?" The invalid replied that he had no one to help him into the pool when the water was stirred. He said someone else went down ahead of him. Then Jesus asked him to get up and pick up the mat and walk. The sick person also represents the Israelite who had been in the deserts for 40 years as they responded negatively without faith. Also, it represents the Christians who keep complaining after believing in Jesus as we are stuck to the past. We should put down our selfish life and live a life which is centered on Jesus. (Gal. 2:20) Repenting our past sins thoroughly we can enjoy the grace of God with absolute positivity and gratitude.

3. What Jesus has done
Despite the negative responses of the sick, Jesus saw him with his mercy and healed him. Jesus asked him to get up with picking his mat to walk. (Jn. 5:8-9) Jesus asked us to do in the same way. Jesus says to us, “‘Get up from your mat of frustration and wounds from the past.” Let us obey what Jesus says to us. Get up and march forward with a holy vision and hope. Almighty God is with us. Holding the promised word of Jesus, we will be filled with the power and the grace of Jesus Christ.