Lord, Be Gracious To Us
(Isa. 33:2)

Isaiah was the prophet who foretold God's judgment before Assyria conquered and destroyed Northern Israel. Isaiah kept his eyes fixed on God despite the fact that he was unable to see any indications of hope due to difficulties and adversity. When Isaiah relied on God, what was God like?

1. The Lord who is gracious to us
The God we serve is a gracious God. Even though Jeremiah was known Israel's demise would be coming, he admitted that they were spared due to the LORD's immense love since his compassions never failed. (Lam. 3:19-20, 22) Similar to this, despite our distress, we still have hope because we have a merciful and caring God who will never let us down. God is aware of our weaknesses and cares for us in the same manner as our natural parents. As a result, we should rely on God constantly. Move forth in thanksgiving and prayer. God will give us incredible peace.

2. Faith that longs for the Lord
Waiting for the grace of God, we should fix our eyes onto God. Even the night of trouble comes to us, we should pray earnestly and wait for the help of God. God will deliver us from every adversity and hardships. Even we cry out due to pains and sorrows, God will wipe our tears at the end. Therefore, those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. (Isa. 40:31)

3. God who is our strength
We should thank God for granting new life and for bringing new days into being each morning. God, according to the prophet, is our daily strength and our deliverer during difficult times. (Isa. 33:2) The hand of God is represented by the power of God. When the Israelites were living in the desert and desired meat, God supplied quails. The All-Powerful God is with us and is extending His powerful hands to work wonders for us. Let us praise and thank God abundantly so that we can witness His wondrous wonders and have Him as our strength and power.