Be Strong and Courageous
(Jos. 1:9)

Today’s scripture reading is given to Joshua, who would march to conquer the Canaan. This message is also give to us through the Pentecostal World Conference. With holding this message, we should march forward with faith in the Lord.

1. Be strong and courageous
The command for us to be strong and courageous asks us to take confidence in our victory and be brave. To take control of the land, Joshua had to battle seven Canaanite tribes. There were many of them and they were powerful. His heart could be attacked by dread and fear. God commanded Joshua to be brave and powerful at that time. We will triumph because the king of kings is by our side. We may experience terrors and dread while we engage in spiritual fights with demons. However, because Jesus won the victory on the cross, we have already achieved victory. Whatever happens, we should maintain a positive outlook so that we might triumph in Christ.

2. Do not be terrified
To win a spiritual war, you must, above all, drive away the fear that comes to your mind. The Israelites were forced to wander in the desert for 40 years because they lacked faith in God. The 10 spies were filled with fears, reporting negatively. However, Joshua and Caleb, the men of faith, made a positive report saying, “They are only our food, and do not be afraid of them as God will be with us.” Eventually, only Joshua and Caleb could enter Canaan, the Promised Land. So don't be afraid of any problems or diseases. God will strengthen us, help us, and hold us with his righteous right hand. (Isa. 41:10)

3. I will be with you
God is with us, leading us safely. When Jacob ran away from Esau, God appeared in the dream and said “I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go, and I will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you.” (Gen. 28:15) The people on whom we rely will be gone. God won't forsake or reject us. God aids us in achieving success. In order to achieve the beautiful message of God given to our church, we should therefore be courageous in all that we do and wherever we go.