Lord, Give Us Revival!
(Hab. 3:2)

Just as prophesied by many pastors during the Pentecostal World Conference in 2022, the wind of the revival is coming to us. Furthermore, the revival will happen in all nations. As a result, our church needs to be ready to ride the incredible waves of the revival.

1. Prayers for revival
Habakkuk the prophet prayed for God to bring about the work of renewal despite the depressing moments. The prophet prayed for renewing them in their day, in their time. (Hab. 3:2a) The Holy Spirit's work and the word of God will bring about a spiritual revival, but we must first turn from our sins. The Elder Kil Sun-joo's tears of confession of sins ignited the Great Pyongyang Revival in 1907. All night long, people there confessed their sins, and Pyongyang as a whole experienced waves of spiritual restoration. Therefore, we should awake spiritually so that the miracle of the revival takes place in our time.

2. God who accomplishes revival
All revivals will be done by the divine power of God. When we repent thoroughly and pray hard, seeking for the help of God, God will present the wonderful revival as a gift. The revival of the early churches was driven by God. Also, the presence of the Holy Spirit in the upper room of Mark on the Pentecostal day was led by the Holy spirit. God transforms the fate of churches or even a nation as well as personal life through the revival. Through the revival, God changes not only the destiny of individuals' lives, but also that of entire nations. To experience the blowing wind of the Holy Spirit, we must therefore be filled with the Holy Spirit. Then, our country, the Korean people, and the churches will experience a spiritual restoration in God.

3. God who has mercy on us
The prophet pleaded with God to show mercy even when the people of Judah were under punishment. He prayed for God not to forget mercy even in wrath. (Hab. 3:2b). We occasionally fail because we are frail and make lots of mistakes. We must confess our sins if we want God's mercy. God will pardon us, restore our lives, and resolve the challenging issues in our lives. So, when difficulties arise, pray fervently while remembering that God is the source of our hope, mercy, and vision. Enjoying the mercy of God abundantly, let us live a victorious life with positive attitude and absolute gratitude.