I Will Come Forth as Gold
(Job 23:10)

Everyone in the world desires to pursue happiness while she or he goes on its once-in-a-lifetime journey. Whereas one rarely finds genuine happiness in this world, we as the believers of Christ can make our lives meaningful, and worthwhile in Christ, and be genuinely happy.

1. God who is the master of my life
Our God is the author of our lives and familiar with all our ways. David, the man of God confessed, “Before a word is on my tongue you, LORD, know it completely.” (Psalm 139:4) Therefore, we need to be aware of God’s presence and carry the notion of “Coram Deo” in Latin meaning “Before the face of God.” Let’s be the men and women of faith and make our lives pleasing to God. As we only adore and fully rely on God alone, our God will be responsible for our lives and bestow His abundant blessing upon us.

2. God who refines me
Our God disciplines us to refine and use us as His holy vessels. Tribulations that we go through are an essential part of our lives and the very tunnels heading toward the greater blessing, thus playing as the disguised blessings. We go through hardship indeed, yet it can never defeat us. Therefore, we as spiritual soldiers of God gladly go through discipline and experience, equip and rearm our minds by Holy Spirit. Just as the gold goes through a furnace to burn out impurities, we can remove contaminations throughout suffering and experience and accomplish genuine hope in God (Romans 5:3-4).

3. God who makes me as pure gold
God molds us through experience and reshapes us as God’s children. Just as the cold and long winter accompanies warm spring, we are going to turn into pure gold after going through God’s discipline. Therefore, we never lose heart nor give up even in the time of tribulation and despair. When we entirely rely on God, He bestows on us His grace to make all things work together for good (Romans 8:28). I pray you would equip your mind with absolute affirmation and gratitude, go through all tribulations and make your lives as pure gold. I bless all of you in Jesus’ name.

The senior pastor of Yoido Full Gospel Church
Younghoon Lee