(1 Kings 19:4-8)

Today, the problem of loneliness is getting worse by the day. Since humans are social animals, loneliness makes us fall into deeper problems. However, this loneliness and despair came to Elijah, the great man of God. So, then, how was Elijah able to overcome it?

1. Elijah sought death

After Elijah had won the contest against the priests of Baal and Asherah (the gods of Canaanites), he brought them to the Kishon Valley and slaughtered them (1 Kings 18:40). When Jezebel heard of the news, she threatened to kill Elijah in anger. He was afraid and fled into the wilderness, where he pleaded for God to take his life (1 Kings 19:2-4). Even the great man of God fell into deep loneliness and despair. The time of despair and solitude comes to everyone. At such times, we must look only to the Lord and rely upon Him (Deuteronomy 31:8, Proverbs 3:5,6). As we put our hope in God (Psalm 42:11, 43:5) and earnestly pray, the Lord will release us from our worries and anxieties and will give us His genuine peace.

2. Elijah went a day's journey into the wilderness

Elijah entered the barren wilderness, where there was no place to rest, no water to drink, and no food to eat (1 Kings 19:4). There are times when we also walk alone on paths in the wilderness, where we have nothing to lean on and rely on. When we stand alone in the wilderness and no one comes to us, Jesus meets us and comforts us. In addition, the Lord, through the training in the wilderness, strengthens our inner man, trains us to listen to His voice, and reflect on ourselves before God. Therefore, as you walk through the wilderness, seek the Lord and cry out earnestly. The Lord will be our refuge and will deliver us from all tribulations.

3. Elijah lay down under a broom tree

Elijah, depressed and tired, laid down and fell asleep under a broom tree (1 Kings 19:5). Then the angel touched him, by his head was some bread baked over hot coals, and a jar of water prepared for him to eat. Elijah was able to gain a peace of mind. This broom tree represents the cross of Jesus Christ, our only resting place. When we eat the bread of His word and drink the living water of the Holy Spirit under the foot of the cross, we can receive true peace and rest in our hearts. Therefore, lay all the heavy burdens of life before the cross (Matthew 11:28). In doing so, our loving Lord will hold us in His arms, tenderly touch our weary and broken hearts, and nourish our spirit and soul. Like this, let's look to and rely on our Lord, who is our strength and power, and live a life of victory every day. I bless each one of you in Jesus' name.