God Took Him Outside
(Genesis 15:1-6)
Everyone in this world, without exception, dreams happy and stable life. However, sometimes the matters of family, children, and business, against our wishes, lead us in the odd direction. Our ancestor Abraham had received God’s promise, “I will make you into a great nation.” However, he was distressed, for not having received a child.

1. The Word of God that came to Abram
As Abram did not have any child, he intended to adopt one of his stewards, the faithful Eliezer as his heir. However, God told Abraham in a vision, "This man will not be your heir, but a son coming from your own body will be your heir." (Genesis 15:4). As we encounter any problem, we tend to be discouraged and try to find the solution on our own. However, the genuine solution to a problem comes from our God. As we pray to God, we can listen to God’s voice and gain the power and strength to break through the problem.

2. God who took Abram outside
While Abram was confined in a small tent where he slept, woke, and made his living, God called him out to go outside. God asked him to lift his eyes and see the numerous stars in the sky and gave him this promise, “So shall your offspring be” (Genesis 15:5). Anyone who wants to experience God’s blessing must get out of the negative ideas and confined spaces which limit oneself. Especially, as we become new creations in Christ, we need to let go of the past, dream the positive future, and move toward it.

3. The faith of Abram
Abram looked at the numerous stars in the sky and dreamt that his descendants would be like them. And he believed in God who gave him His word of promise. Abram believed the LORD, and he credited it to him as righteousness (Genesis 15:6). Even today, God has been searching for the people of faith. Our God is happy to bless and work with those with faith willing to listen to and obey God's word, and dream and chase after it.
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