Abraham’s Faith
(Genesis 22:7-12)
What is working and genuine faith? Numerous people claim to have faith in God, yet, the genuine faith is proved not by words, but with actions and commitment in our lives. Abraham proved his faith in God by making his decision to obey God’s words to offer his only son he gave birth to at the age of 100 years as a burnt offering, so ended up being the ancestor of faith.

1. Abraham’s faith in God
After Abraham had heard God’s commandments to offer his only son Isaac as a burnt offering, he took a three (3) days’ journey and arrived on the mountain of Moriah which God had instructed. Before he took Isaac and went to the mountain, he said to his servants, “Stay here with the donkey while I and the boy go over there. We will worship and then we will come back to you.” (Genesis 22:5) As Abraham had experienced the miraculous event of bearing Isaac at the age of 100 years, he was convinced that God would revive Isaac even after taking away his life. Thus, regardless of circumstances and conditions, trusting God’s promise, faith needs to be followed by action.

2. Abraham’s decision
After Abraham had climbed on the mountain, he built an altar there, bound his son Isaac, and took the knife. It was the very moment when Abraham’s faith worked with his action and was manifested. At that moment, there heard the voice from heaven, “Abraham! Do not lay a hand on the boy, Now I know that you fear God because you have not withheld from me your son, your only son.” (Genesis 22:11-12). God acknowledged Abraham’s faith and faithfulness not cherishing even his only son. In all circumstances, we shall be men and women of faith credited by God.

3. Blessings followed after his obedience and commitment
When Abraham obeyed God’s words and made his commitment, God bestowed him with the blessing of Yahweh-Jireh (Genesis 22:18). Abraham received tremendous blessings of being the ancestor of faith, having numerous spiritual offsprings, winning everything, and having Messiah, Jesus in his genealogy. Thus, God is able and willing to provide all the things we need in our lives. I sincerely desire and pray that you would daily approach God with faith and obedience and partake in God’s providential blessings.

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