Miracle of Absolute Positivism and Gratitude
(Genesis 39:19-23)
In the life journey, we can experience unexpected difficulty or unfair affair. Those who do not know Jesus tend to say, “I am unfortunate and out of luck” However, for us Christians, any difficulty or tribulation is not a coincidence passing by, but a prelude of blessing molding us great believers.
1. When tribulations of life knock on the door
Joseph had been sold in Egypt and became the slave of Potiphar captain of the guard. However, Joseph always relied on God and did his best in everything. So, the Lord blessed the entire house of Potiphar. When the wife of Potiphar unjustly accused Joseph, he was put into the special prison not being released without a special pardon from the king. However, even in prison, Joseph did not complain but did his best in all things and ended up being the manager looking after the entire prison. Thus, even in the tribulation, if we hold on to the dreams and go on with absolute positivism and gratitude, miracles happen.
2. People abiding in God's presence
When Joseph had been sold under slavery in Egypt, even when he was put into jail, he did not complain, thus God had been with him. Even when we are in tough situations or treated unjustly, we should not become slaves of complaints and resentment. Because they can make us caged in negative ideas and bring a negative impact on us and even our neighbors. Even if the situation we are in seems to be dark and frustrating, let’s focus on the good God, and do not lose our faith in absolute Positivism. As we equip our minds with the faith of absolute Positivism and Gratitude based on the Word of God and prayer, and go on with praise and gratitude to God, surely, we can experience great events.
3. Promise of prosperity for God's people
Joseph became the manager of the entire prions and experienced the blessing of prosperity from God. In the meantime, he interpreted the dreams of the king's closest officers, the chief of the butlers and the chief of bakers. After 2 years, it served as an opportunity for Joseph to interpret the dream of Pharaoh, who was frustrated by his dream. The dream of the Lord once had come upon the 17-year-old Joseph, after 13 years later in God’s time, became reality without an inch's error. Thus, we are to hold on to God's promise and go with Absolute Gratitude. I pray for you.
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