Gratitude in despair
(Jonah 2:2, 6-9)
Christians are people of God who always live in gratitude in all circumstances. Gratitude in the midst of despair surpasses despair and leads transformation of adversity into blessings. Genuine gratitude is expressed even in the middle of despair. In scripture of this week, we see how the prophet Jonah cried out, asked, prayed, and offered a confession of gratitude to God.
1. Prayer in despair
God commanded Jonah to go to Nineveh and proclaim the word of the Lord. However, Jonah disobeyed and headed to Tarshish. On his way, he confronted a violent storm, was thrown into the ocean and swallowed by a great fish. In the midst of darkness, profound despair and adversity, Jonah called for help from the Lord (Jonah 2:2). Just like Jonah, prayer is the crucial path to the Lord and the breath of our soul. Even in the depth of despair, when we cry out for the help of God, our Lord always listens and answers. I wish that we may consistently and persistently pray in every moment of our lives and incorporate prayer in our daily lives.
2. Prayer offered toward the Holy temple
From the inside of a great fish, Jonah prayed, longing for the Holy temple of the Lord. Even in the pungent stench and profound darkness, he regained a heart toward the temple of the Lord (Jonah 2:4). Furthermore, in the book of Psalm, the psalmist confesses that his soul yearns and even faints for the courts of God (Psalm 84:2). That is, we should be grateful and cherish that we can come to the Lord and worship at any time. Also, as we strive to love and worship our Lord, may we receive great blessings from heaven.
3. Gratitude during the time of despair
In the moment of helplessness and despair, Jonah had nothing but prayer to rely on. He continued his prayer and offered a prayer of thanksgiving (Jonah 2:9). The gratitude of Jonah was a remarkable expression in the midst of a situation when death was imminent. Gratitude is the power to overcome all hardship, and a path to experiencing the grace of salvation bestowed only by the Lord. Let us give up our disobedience, stubbornness, reliance on our world, and aspire to trust in the goodness of God. When we trust and sing a song of thanksgiving only to our God, God will deliver us from despair and lead us onto the path of salvation.
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