With you, I am Well Pleased
(Mark 1:9-13)
The most important aspect of our lives is believing in Jesus as the Savior and becoming a child of God. Additionally, the most crucial responsibility for a redeemed child of God is to lead a life continuously pleasing to God. In that sense, the life of Jesus, who came to earth, serves as the best example of a life that pleases God.
1. Jesus who received Baptism
Baptism is a symbolic act that signifies burying the old self, associated with a life of sin and despair, in the water and rebirthing into a new person. When we consider Jesus, he was without any sin or blemish, so baptism was not a crucial necessity for him. However, Jesus chose to receive baptism to announce the start of his public life, the work of people's turning back to God through baptism and to fulfill all righteousness (Mark 1:9, Mathew 3:15). In Christ, we should become God’s children, born anew through baptism. That is, we should turn away from the path leading to the sinful world and live as people who seek and focus on the kingdom of God.
2. Jesus upon whom the Holy Spirit descended
As Jesus received baptism and came up from the water, the Holy Spirit descended upon him like a dove from heaven (Mark 1:10). Filled with the Holy Spirit in that moment, Jesus successfully overcame the temptations of the devil during his 40 days of fasting in the wilderness. Then he carried out his ministry for three and a half years, empowered by the Holy Spirit. Jesus’ life can be summarized as a journey lived in companionship with the Holy Spirit. Gentle and pure like a dove, he went everywhere, healing the sick, proclaiming the word, and performing various acts of goodness. By following the footsteps of Jesus, may we also receive the fullness of the Holy Spirit every day and lead lives of holiness and humility before God.
3. The one whom God loves and is pleased with
As Jesus received baptism and experienced the fullness of Holy Spirit, He heard a voice from the heaven saying, “You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased”. (Mark 1:11). This voice was God’s affirmation toward Jesus. And this message is something we should always hold onto. I pray that we may be the precious ones who, turning away from all sin and evil, passionately love God alone, receive God’s love, bring pleasure to God, gain His approval, and lead our lives in a way that brings Him joy.
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