Be a Great Person of God
(Isaiah 41:10-15)
The bright dawn of hope has arisen in the year 2024. When we look around our surroundings, there are countless circumstances that instill fear and confusion in our minds. However, we should strengthen our hearts and overcome fear through constant companionship with God. This is the crucial key to living a victorious life for Christians, who achieve victory every day.
1. Do not Fear
As we live as a people of God, it is essential for us to remember that we should not fear but must guard our hearts regardless of the challenges we face in our lives. When individuals face problems, they often crumble not because of the problems themselves but because of the fear that approaches their hearts. In that sense, God, anticipating the imminent conquest of Canaan, repeatedly commanded Joshua to “Be strong and courageous” three times (Joshua 1:6-7, 9). Similarly, we too must always trust and depend on the ever-present God who accompanies with us at all times. As we live a life centered on God, His Word, and the Cross, empowered by the Holy Spirit, it enables us to conquer fear and achieve a victorious life.
2. The God who chose a weak human life
God called the people of Israel, “O worm Jacob” (Isaiah 41:14). According to the Korean Revised Version of the Bible, “worm” is translated as an “earthworm”. An earthworm is a fragile existence that spends its entire life in the soil consuming it without any voice, power or ability. Only those who realize that God, in His love, selected them despite of their insignificance ? much like an earthworm- can let go of their self-centered lives and live a life of true empowerment, embracing Jesus as the master of their lives. May our every breath and moment of existence be dedicated only to the glory of God. I hope that our lives become a testimony to loving and serving the church and our neighbors.
3. The God who makes one His great person
As we modestly humble ourselves and obediently walk with God in every circumstance, He will transform us into a new individual. Just like a sharp saw-toothed threshing machine cuts and sort out any grain, God is the One who turns spiritually insignificant beings like earth worm, into a competent worker (Isaiah 41:15). In the presence of God, no matter the enormity of challenges that might be seen as towering mountains of problems, they crumble into dust. I sincerely pray that each of us owns a clear spiritual self-image as a person of Great God and achieves victory in all aspects of our lives throughout this year.
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