Ask and You will receive
(John 16:20-24)
Prayer is the breath of our soul and the channel of blessing. If someone engages in a life of faith without prayer, it can be said that they are spiritually dead. We must always remain vigilant in prayer to overcome the worries and anxieties of life and to live a life filled with the joy and peace given by the Lord.

1. Pray in times of despair

   On the night before His crucifixion, Jesus shared the Last Supper with His disciples, prophesying His forthcoming suffering and departure from them. This announcement was a profound shock to the disciples. Observing their distress, Jesus comforted them, saying, “You will grieve, but your grief will turn to joy” (John 16:20). Our Lord Jesus transforms imminent despair into hope and sorrow into joy. By maintaining steadfast and positive faith and focusing solely on the Lord through prayer, we can be assured that good things will surely come to pass.
2. Ask in the name of Jesus

   When we pray, it is essential to remember that our requests to God should be made solely in the name of Jesus. The name of Jesus represents His very essence and signifies His power and authority. Through the authority vested in the name of Jesus, we can boldly drive out demons, speak in new tongues, be safeguarded against any harmful force, and pray for the healing of the sick (Mark 16:17-18). The miracles and wonders documented in the Bible continue to be realized in the lives of those who pray with faith in the name of Jesus.

3. Be filled with the joy of the Lord

   When believers pray in the name of Jesus, God answers their prayers and fills their hearts with joy (John 16:24). While worry can drain our strength, even the world acknowledges the importance of maintaining a healthy heart and makes various efforts to achieve this. However, the genuine joy that truly satisfies us comes from God, resulting from prayers empowered by the Holy Spirit. By praying continuously and coming before the Lord with unwavering gratitude and praise, we will experience a joy and peace that the world cannot provide. Let us all fervently pray every day in the name of Jesus, through the Holy Spirit, experiencing God’s overflowing joy and sharing it with the world.